Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Kind Words

When we started the adoption process, we decided to call an acquaintance of ours to take some professional photographs of us. We wanted to have some photos to really capture who we are as a couple and the love that we have for each other. Her name is Sarah Teeples and she did an amazing job! She posted this on her website and I wanted to share it. It deeply touched me:

"I don’t typically say much about the people I get to photograph. First, I don’t really know how much they want me to share, and I’d like to respect their privacy. Second, it’s kind of weird writing about people I only have a brief glimpse into their lives. And third, well, I just don’t like to divulge too many secrets of all the fun we have during their session! But, this post is going to be a little different from the norm:
I got a phone call from a gal that I know named Jessica. She’s wonderful. I don’t know her well, but what I do know of her, I think she is so great! Jessica is very much not like me, she has so many qualities I wish I had! I sort-of, kind-of, knew she and her husband, Austin, were going through the process of adoption. Jessica called to ask me to take some pictures of she and Austin for their adoption profile and blog. I was extremely excited to take their photos and something unexpected happened.
You see, I was excited to study them as a couple, sort of like how I take engagement pictures. But, further, to show the side of them that they are in love (but not in an engagement sort of way). In a way that these are individuals who have grown together and have an everlasting bond. Individuals who have become one. So, what was so unexpected? I didn’t know just how wonderful this beautiful couple was. I didn’t understand the depth of their love for one another (and still don’t). I didn’t understand how much this trial has brought them together (and still don’t). I didn’t understand just how much they would impact me. Austin and Jessica are two of the most incredible people I’ve met! As I got to spend the few hours with them that I did, I could see their love for one another. Their hopes and dreams. I could see glimpses of their pain and how hard it is to be denied such a precious gift (for the time being). But I could also see their overwhelming joy and hope and anticipation of a precious child that will certainly come into their home!
Over the past year I’ve been privileged to get to know Jessica more and more. The more and more I get to know her the further convinced I am that any child who comes into their home will be one who is forever loved and cherished. One who is given opportunity. One who joins a solid extended family. One who will certainly be the center of these parent’s lives. I hope that beautiful baby comes to you soon, Austin and Jessica!
If you, or someone you know, is facing the most difficult decision of placing your child for adoption, won’t you please take a look at Austin and Jessica’s page: https://www.itsaboutlove.org/ial/profiles/27837893/ourMessage.jsf

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